速報APP / 遊戲 / Air Hockey Revolution

Air Hockey Revolution



檔案大小:87.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Air Hockey Revolution(圖1)-速報App

Air hockey Revolution is the best air hockey table game app. Find a strategy to game your opponent and use fast reflexes to throw a furious puck into the goal. Become air hockey championship stars likes of Danny Hynes or Billy Stubbs in realistic 3D environment full of sparky and glow effects. Play against a very smart AI or against a friend in 2 players mode on the same device. Everyone’s favorite and most addictive table sports game is now in your pocket.


Air Hockey Revolution(圖2)-速報App

+ 2-player mode (on the same device).

+ Colorful glow graphics.

Air Hockey Revolution(圖3)-速報App

+ Smooth and responsive game play.

+ Realistic physics.

Air Hockey Revolution(圖4)-速報App

+ Quick play mode (single player), challenge yourself with 4 difficulty levels (easy to insane).

+ Great Environment

Air Hockey Revolution(圖5)-速報App

+ New Idea in The World Of Hockey

支援平台:iPhone, iPad